1. This is a 3D grapher. Input cartesian or in parametric functions with z = f(x,y) and r(t) = (f(t), g(t), h(t)) * k(t)

2. Using the constant 'a' animates functions. For example : f(x,y) = cos(x+a)

3. Acceptable functions are:

absolute value:|x*y| or abs(x*y)

cosin, sinus, and tangent:cos(x*y), sin(x*y), and tan(x*y)

inverse trig functions:tan-1(x*y) or arctan(x*y) or atan(x*y) or tan^-1(x*y)

logarithm: log(x*y) and ln(x*y)

power:(x*y)^x or pow(x*y, x) and exp(x*y) or e^(x*y)

square root:sqrt(x*y) or (x*y)^(1/2)

standard opperators:* and / and + and -

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